Free SVG Conversion

Free SVG Conversion Apps

Many people recommend Inkscape as the best free SVG conversion app. It’s a versatile vector graphics editor that offers advanced features such as path editing, text support, and object manipulation, as well as easy-to-use conversion tools. Additionally, it has a large and active user community that provides extensive online support and resources. However, other free…

Inkscape tutorial

Inkscape Tutorial

Getting Started with Inkscape Most images on the web such as JPG, PNG, and GIF are raster images – grids of pixels that each hold a color value. Raster images are great for photos of real people and events, but they have drawbacks. When you scale a raster image up or down in size, you’re…

How to use Inkscape

The best free graphic design software

We’ve rounded up a selection of the 22 best pieces of free graphic design software around. Not everyone has the cash to spend kitting themselves out with the most expensive graphic design software, particularly when starting a new business or embarking on a new career in design. Many will default to Adobe’s fantastic Creative Cloud…